Monthly Archives: August 2022

Inspiratie door 89-jarige

Iedereen heeft wel eens spontane, leuke, ontmoetingen met een onbekende. Vandaag had ik zo een ontmoeting met een man van 89 jaar oud, zijn naam is Wim. Lees mijn verhaal en de wijsheden die mij werden verteld. Het begon op donderdag 18 augustus. Ik was in Bussum om reisvaccinaties te laten zetten door de GGD. [Lees meer]

Inspiratie door 89-jarige2022-08-18T19:27:47+02:00

Great Barrier Reef doing great!

Back to news that your local news station will not broadcast: Marine physicist Peter Ridd says Australia is ruining the reputation of its “premier tourist attraction” the Great Barrier Reef. New data from the Australian Institute of Marine Science shows the Great Barrier Reef has recorded the highest level of coral cover since monitoring began. [Lees meer]

Great Barrier Reef doing great!2023-05-05T17:35:07+02:00

Gender toilet solution

During my recent visit to the Groote Museum in Amsterdam (right next to Artis) I noticed the icons (pics below) on the bathroom doors. A clever way to avoid a gender-toilet-discussion if you ask me!

Gender toilet solution2023-05-02T08:33:54+02:00


Working on a better future for humans all around the world. I do this by connecting the three important pillars spirituality, health and finance to bring happiness and inspire others.

Capturing my journey (and yours) as a drone pilot, video editor and content creator.

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