Monthly Archives: October 2022

Governments dislike transparancy and decentralization

From all my research, reading, documentaries and books I conclude that governments (or the elite) do not want the best for citizens of a country, but they ant power and control. In this blog I give you some sources this give background information on this topic. Basically, the USA is bringing "democracy" to the world, [Lees meer]

Governments dislike transparancy and decentralization2023-05-05T17:35:10+02:00

Climate Change vs Human CO2

Is climate change a narrative to bring fear to people? Who knows. But some say that our current temperature fluctuations are within acceptabel variables, unlike what media wants to make you believe. Have a look at the sources and their opinions below. In my opinion, climate always changing and this is not solely due to [Lees meer]

Climate Change vs Human CO22023-05-05T17:35:09+02:00


Working on a better future for humans all around the world. I do this by connecting the three important pillars spirituality, health and finance to bring happiness and inspire others.

Capturing my journey (and yours) as a drone pilot, video editor and content creator.

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