Freedom is the ultimate goal because it allows you to do what you want, be independent and self-reliant. The pursuit of freedom is not an easy path and consists of several components. I believe that freedom comprises spirituality, health, and finances. In this blog, I share my story about freedom and my focus on the financial aspect.
My Childhood
I grew up in a village in the Netherlands, where as a child, aged 8-10, I loved cycling. With a bike, I could go anywhere in the neighborhood, visit friends, go into nature, or just curiously explore all the streets. Now, 25 years later, I reflect on how that time shaped me. The bike provided the freedom to go wherever I wanted without depending on anyone, it was cost-effective and untraceable. How different it is with a car, where registration and other bureaucratic hurdles exist.
However, I was a product of the Western society and education system where spirituality was not a significant part of life, and health was limited to chemical pills and Western medicine. Regarding finance, I started working from the age of 16, partly to escape from home and earn my own money. Eventually, with a two-year delay, I completed my high school and went to college.
Study, Travel, the World
In my second year of college, in 2015, studying Social Geography and Planning, I joined EGEA, a study association for international geography students. Through that association, I began to travel throughout Europe, which had a significant impact on my worldview – very thankful for this time, friendships and opportunities. Also, in 2013, through family members, I was introduced to Bitcoin, and I bought one Bitcoin at the top, only to sell it three months later at a 50% loss. Although I failed, I learned a lesson.

Stay curious & keep fighting for happiness in life!
Investing in Stocks
The idea that Bitcoin or stocks could increase or decrease in value and create a profit intrigued me. If I could increase the value of €1,000, why not? In 2015, I opened a trading account and made a few thousand euros in four to five years. I saw how some stocks increased, and others decreased. In 2020, I could have earned tens of thousands of euros if I had stayed in the NOVAVAX (Covid-Vaccine) share for longer, it went from €10 to €200 in 6 months time. Unfortunately, I missed that opportunity. (In retrospect, wouldn’t do that investment again with all the COVID-vaccine scams that are coming out now.)
In 2020-21, cryptocurrencies became popular again, and I invested in some projects. Initially, there was no significant movement of my portfolio, but I joined a project that was suggested by a family member, and it took off in 12 months. It was an amazing experience, but unfortunately, it didn’t end well. Long story short, after 12 months, it went down fast, and I was back to square one. However, I learned a lot in those 12 months. In particular how the world need Decentralized Finance (DeFi), because we cannot trust the Traditional Financing (TradFi) system.
Also, in 2019, I completed my studies and worked for a Dutch municipality for two years. Although it had its ups and downs, it was too bureaucratic, slow, and political, not an environment where I thrived. There are many more exciting sectors where developments happen rapidly!
Financial Freedom (Conclusion)
Through my experiences and interest in technology, my focus now is on gaining financial freedom through DeFi. A passive income gives freedom and time to focus on other things in life. For me, this freedom creates more space to focus on spiritual and health freedom. However, I do not claim that it cannot coexist. Financial freedom just makes it easier.
To conclude, I believe that the problems in the world are man-made. People are made fearful and anxious. We can solve all the problems in the world. The financial and technological means are there, but it is not in the interest of big stakeholders. Therefore, scarcity is created.
My efforts contribute to shaping a better world, to fight the status quo, to bring DeFi solutions to the people. Last weeks economic events show how much we need a solution, or at least a parallel financial ecosystem to excel when the TradFi system lets us down.
My advice, is to do what you love. Keep building, keep working on yourself, keep protesting and fighting until we have our freedom (back)!

You don’t see it, but I got a mental breakdown in this hour – 22 feb 2020 – Poland. Got back on my feet again!