
Climate Change vs Human CO2

Is climate change a narrative to bring fear to people? Who knows. But some say that our current temperature fluctuations are within acceptabel variables, unlike what media wants to make you believe. Have a look at the sources and their opinions below. In my opinion, climate always changing and this is not solely due to [Lees meer]

Climate Change vs Human CO22023-05-05T17:35:09+02:00

Great Barrier Reef doing great!

Back to news that your local news station will not broadcast: Marine physicist Peter Ridd says Australia is ruining the reputation of its “premier tourist attraction” the Great Barrier Reef. New data from the Australian Institute of Marine Science shows the Great Barrier Reef has recorded the highest level of coral cover since monitoring began. [Lees meer]

Great Barrier Reef doing great!2023-05-05T17:35:07+02:00

Inflation, chaos, fire and recession in the world!

I will show you what is going on in the world. These are updates that most media, or, the traditional news stations in the Netherlands are not broadcasting. It certainly looks like the world is on fire, with more chaos, inflation and a recession around the corner. On the bright side, there is always light [Lees meer]

Inflation, chaos, fire and recession in the world!2023-05-05T17:35:06+02:00

We moeten meer water gebruiken!

Een tegenstrijdige titel. Maar waarom zouden we zuinig doen? Het is een week van extremen. Half Limburg overstroomt terwijl het in Utrecht zonnig, droog en bijna 30ºC is. Al jaren worden de zomers droger, daalt het waterpeil, komt de zoetwatervoorraad onder druk te staan én zoeken Waterschappen naar manieren om het water vast te houden, [Lees meer]

We moeten meer water gebruiken!2023-05-05T17:35:00+02:00


Working on a better future for humans all around the world. I do this by connecting the three important pillars spirituality, health and finance to bring happiness and inspire others.

Capturing my journey (and yours) as a drone pilot, video editor and content creator.

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